Friday, December 29 2023

3 PM
Friday, Dec 29, 2023 3 p.m.
Practice Retreat

Dudjom Rinpoche 


December 29, 2023 marks the anniversary of His Holiness Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s parinirvana (Dechö in Tibetan). 


With regard to Dechö ”De” is the time when a lama passes into parinirvana and “Chö” is the aspect where the student makes offerings to connect with the blessings of the lama’s wisdom mind. This is a time of particular significance for all of us with a Dharma connection to Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche.


This event will be held in person and via livestreaming.

The sessions are free of charge.  No registration is necessary.

Please consider making an offering for tsok or butterlamps here.


We will be reciting the Ka Ter Dorsem (Vajrasattva) practice with tsok and dharma protectors.

Schedule: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm (PST)


Streaming Link:


There will be an online viewable text for this puja.

This text is available for purchase as part of  "Vajrasattva Practices for the Time of Death"

in digital format here or physical format here



For questions please email us at


If you are unable to join us online, Lama Sonam Rinpoche recommends that, for your own accumulation of merit, "it would be very beneficial during this time to do the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche or the Vajra Guru Mantra, to sponsor Tsok and Butterlamps, and make any kinds of offerings, including water bowl offerings, prostrations and circumambulations.”