Troma Nagmo 2024 Retreat Streaming Links

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June 1 - Dakini Day

9:00 am - Buddha Puja, Riwo Sangchod and Tsok -

2:30  - Troma Nagmo Empowerment (Wang) -


June 2

8:00 am  - Black Feast and Smoke Offering Prayers -

10:30 am – White Feast, Troma Ngondro and Mixed Feast -

2:00  Lungs (Reading Transmitions &Troma Concise Sadhana with Tsok and Red Feast 6 -


June 3

8:00 am - Black Feast and Smoke Offering Prayers  -

10:30 am – White Feast, Troma Ngondro and Mixed Feast –

2:00 am – Teachings & Troma Concise Sadhana with Tsok and Red Feast -


June 4

8:00 am - Black Feast and Smoke Offering Prayers  -

13:00 am – White Feast, Troma Ngondro and Mixed Feast –

2:00 am – Teachings & Troma Concise Sadhana with Tsok and Red Feast -


June 5  - Last Day

9:00 am – Troma Intermediate Length Sadhana and Tsok -



June 6 - Transition day

7:00 am – New Moon Buddha Puja -