Saturday, September 17 2022

8 AM
Friday, Sep 16, 2022 8 a.m.
Multi-day Event
Weekend Teaching

 Tulku Thadral Rinpoche beach

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche


Longchenpa's "Resting in the Nature of Mind"

Lung and Teachings with Tulku Thadral Rinpoche

September 16-18, 2022

 By Streaming Only



Daily Schedule*

Text List


Tulku Thadral Rinpoche will give the oral transmission (lung) and teachings on Longchenpa's "Resting in the Nature of Mind" (Tib. Rdzogs pa chen po sems nyid ngal gso). We expect this will be the first in a series of teachings on this important work. 


There are no prerequisites for taking these teachings, and no particular samaya (commitment), except that Rinpoche says it will be good if people can practice afterwards.


Rinpoche will be teaching from The Excellent Path to Enlightenment, which is Longchenpa's practice manual based on Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind (Sem Nyi Ngal So). This text contains 141 individual practices laid out for each topic, which together cover the whole path of Dharma: the Four Thoughts, Ngondro, the Sutras, Outer and Inner Tantras; all nine levels of the path put together in one teaching. The entire work is a comprehensive guide to practicing Buddhism, and is sometimes referred to as the "Nyingma Lam Rim".


Rinpoche will offer three different ways of meditating on each topic: concise, middle and elaborate. He will give the lung for the relevant sections and lead us in meditation as he goes through the text.


Rinpoche will be giving the lung from The Great Chariot, Longchenpa's Auto-commentary to Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind, which includes the root text, and is found in the second part of Volume One of The Trilogy of Rest.


Dudjom Rinpoche Sangye Pema Shepa described Longchenpa's "Trilogy of Rest" this way:


"The Trilogy of Rest is the heart of all the sutra and tantra teachings of Lord Buddha. It is the very essence of the wisdom mind of Gyalwa Longchenpa, the holder of the treasury of the nine vehicles. I hope and pray that these translated texts will be a source of goodness in the world, encouraging beings to turn within and to discover at length the uncontrived nature of their minds—finding rest and relief from all their many pains and sorrows."



Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche also commented about this text, "Rest is what we all lack most. Even more agonizing is that we don’t know how to do it; in fact, we don’t even understand what it means to rest. Who but Longchenpa can and will make absolutely sure that we finally understand what rest is?"



*The streamed sessions will be recorded and available to registrants for viewing up to a month after the retreat. Anyone who wishes to attend and is unable to register at one of the suggested levels, please contact the office.



We hope to provide translation into Mandarin. Please contact the office for updates.


祖古仁波切将根据龙钦巴的实修手册“心性休息”开始教学,从心灵/心性的本质中寻找到休息(安住)(Sem Nyi Ngal So)。本文包含了141种针对每个主题的个人实修方法,这些实修方法涵盖了整个修习佛法的道路:四共加行、前行、经部,内外密续;这条道路中所有九个层次都融合在一个教法中。整部手册是一本全面的佛法修行指南,有时也被尊称为“宁玛道次第广论”。
祖古仁波切将为每个主题提供三种不同的禅修方式:简单、中间和 详细的方法。他将一边提供“口传”,引导我们一边阅读手册一边进行禅修。

“休息三部曲是佛陀所有经续和密续的核心。他是九宝库的持有者.. 是龙钦巴智慧思想的精髓。我希望并祈祷这些翻译的文本将成为世界上的所有善之源,鼓励众生转心向内观,并最终发现他们心性的不受束缚/无造作的本质, 从他们所有的痛苦和悲伤中解脱出来,找到心性休息的答案。”
