Thursday, December 14 2023

9 AM
Thursday, Dec 14, 2023 9 a.m.

Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche 

This December 14th marks the twelfth Anniversary

of Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche’s parinirvana (Dechö in Tibetan). 


With regard to Dechö ”De” is the time when a lama passes into parinirvana and “Chö” is the aspect where the student makes offerings to connect with the blessings of the lama’s wisdom mind. This is a time of particular significance for all of us with a Dharma connection to Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche.


This event will be held in person and via livestreaming.

The sessions are free of charge. No registration is necessary.


There will also be a free read-only online viewable text.



Livestreaming Link:

Morning Session, 9:00 am:

Afternoon Session, 2:30 pm:

Click Here: Dorsem Lama Chopa Online Viewable Text

Page-Turning Guide for Print Texts


 TNR Decho throne

Anyone who would like to make an auspicious connection is welcome to make an offering Flowers and Light.



 To Purchase physical or digital copies of the Dorsem Lama Chopa Text

Available in print form or by digital download


For questions please email



As Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, in speaking of Rinpoche’s Dechö, said:


“For us, our Lama’s Dechö is equal to that of Buddha Shakyamuni and all past Buddhas, and is in fact more important because Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche is our root lama: He shows us the path, gives teachings, guides us on the path and we rely on Rinpoche until we become fully enlightened and inseparable with him. It is like doing one mantra on a holy day where the merit multiplies by millions. During this time, we can remember Rinpoche’s wisdom, his kindness, how much that has penetrated our mind, how our lives would be inconceivable without him ... We can come together and pray, make aspiration prayers together that immediately this life has set we can be reborn in the Pureland, that we can practice together and attain fully enlightened Buddhahood always together. Then we don’t have any separation, from life to life.”  


[For Rinpoche’s full words about Dechö please click here]


Lama Sonam Rinpoche encourages all sangha to attend. Please make every effort to join us at this time so that we can come together, pray and make aspirations. 


If you are unable to join us, Lama Sonam Rinpoche recommends that, for your own accumulation,"it would be very beneficial during this time to do Vajrasattva practice, to sponsor Tsok and Butterlamps, and make any kinds of offerings, including water bowl offerings, prostrations and circumambulations.”